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Line 562: Line 562:
|B1 ||LOWS ||RASTA/NUBRA/SBG ||130 ||bottom/ceiling||WS
|B1 ||LOWS ||RASTA/NUBRA/SBG ||130 ||bottom/ceiling||WS
|B1 ||LOWI ||SBG ||130 ||Via SBG STAR || bottom/ceiling||WS
|B1 ||LOWI ||SBG ||130 || bottom/ceiling||WS
|B1 ||LOWL ||NUBRA/NEMAL ||▼130 -160 ||At LoR FL160B||WL
|B1 ||LOWL ||NUBRA/NEMAL ||▼130 -160 ||At LoR FL160B||WL

Revision as of 08:36, 26 July 2021

List of flight level allocations within LOVV FIR


These lists provide a complete overview of all intersector handover levels within LOVV FIR. The units described are either LAUs or CTR Sectors. For detailed definition check ENR chart 6.6 ATC sectors.


  • from unit: the upstream unit that is delivering the flight where sector names according to eAIP ENR 6.6 or the last two letters of the approach unit in question is used.
  • ADEP: aerodrome of departure.
  • ADES: aerodrome of destination.
  • via: The route, line or sector the flight passes through. If none are applicable for a certain flight, individual coordination is necessary.
  • cleared level: The exit level the fight shall be delivered by the upstream unit. This is considered to by "climbing" or "descending" as applicable except if stated otherwise in conditions.
  • conditions: conditions that have to be met by the upstream unit or that are applied during the handoff procedure.
  • HUFL: Highest usable flight level (sector's top vertical limit).
  • LUFL: Lowest usable flight level (sector's bottom vertical limit)
  • LAU: Local approach unit
  • AoR: area of responsibility (sector).
  • LoR_ line of responsibility (border). Where transfer of control, unless released, takes place.
  • MELK line: the western sector border of LOWW_APP connecting the points MASUR and BARUG.
  • PINKA line: the southern sector border of LOWW_APP connecting the points RUPET and NIGSI.
  • SEMI line: the souther sector border of E sector with S sector
  • Transfer of control: Takes place when an aircraft has left the upstream sector and entered the downstream sector. Transfer of control can take place earlier if a release has been given by the upstream sector.
  • Transfer of communication: Takes place whenever initiated by the upstream sector. Transfer of communication does not imply transfer of control.
  • Annotation: ▲240 +170, pronounced "climbing flight level 240 out of flight level 170", is a short annotation to describe handover conditions. Details to the conditions are found in the conditions-column.


  • General: Aircraft shall be handed over in a way that assures that transfer of communications is completed before the aircraft enters the downstream sector. The upstream sector has to assure, that the aircraft handed over is either clear of conflicts or that the downstream sector is assuming responsibility for maintaining proper separation between the aircraft handed over and other traffic that may create a conflict.
  • Lateral handoff: Flights shall be handed off in a timely manner by the upstream unit while assuring the conditions will be met. Any deviations from the cleared levels and conditions below are subject to individual coordination. Flights are not considered released for climb or turn unless stated otherwise in conditions.
  • Vertical handoff: Also called "bottom/ceiling" procedure. When a flight from an upstream unit will be entering the downstream unit's sector through a vertical boundary, the so called bottom/ceiling procedure is in effect. In this procedure, the upstream sector climbs or descends the aircraft to the HUFL or the LUFL as applicable. Once handoff has been initiated and two-way communication with the downstream sector has been established, the downstream sector shall climb or descend the aircraft out of the upstream sector in a timely manner. Flights are considered released for climbs if the upstream sector is below and for descend if the upstream sector is above.
  • Upstream station must ensure that no aircraft handed over to the downstream sector are on a conflicting course (cleared conflict) with another aicraft sent from the upstream sector


from unit ADEP via cleared level conditions to unit
WW LOWW MEDIX/LUGEM/SOVIL ▲240 +170 released, MELK line FL170A N1
WW LOWW RUPET/OSPEN ▲240 +170 released, PINKA line FL170A S1
WW LOWW BUWUT/LANUX ▲240 +170 released E1
WW LOAx MELK Line ▲240 +170 released, MELK line FL170A N1
WW LOXT MELK Line ▲240 +170 released, MELK line FL170A N1
WW LOAx PINKA Line ▲240 +170 released, PINKA line FL170A S1
WW LOXT PINKA Line ▲240 +170 released, PINKA line FL170A S1
WW LKTB 240 bottom/ceiling E1
WW LZIB 240 bottom/ceiling E1
WW LOWG 240 bottom/ceiling E1
WW LOWL 240 bottom/ceiling E1
WI LOWI 160 bottom/ceiling W1
WI LOWI SBG 110 bottom/ceiling WS
WI LOWS DETSA 160 bottom/ceiling W1
WS LOWS NEMAL/VERDA 120 bottom/ceiling B1
WG LJMB 160 bottom/ceiling S1
WG LOWG 160 bottom/ceiling S1
WK LOWK via S 160 bottom/ceiling S1
WK LOWK via W 160 bottom/ceiling W1
WL LOWL 160 bottom/ceiling N1
WL LOWL via B ▲160 +130 bottom/ceiling, FL130A B1
WL LOWS 160 bottom/ceiling N1
E1 LOWL 300 bottom/ceiling E2
E1 LOWG 300 bottom/ceiling E2
E1 LKPR 300 bottom/ceiling E2
E1 LKPD 300 bottom/ceiling E2
E1 LKMT 300 bottom/ceiling E2
S1 LOWG Via E 220 WW
S1 LOWG Via N 260 climbing N1
S1 LOWG Via W 300 bottom/ceiling W1
S1 LOWG Via B 300 bottom/ceiling B1
S1 LOWK 300 bottom/ceiling S2
S1 LOWL 300 bottom/ceiling S2
S1 LOWS 300 bottom/ceiling S2
S1 TMA LOWW 300 bottom/ceiling S2
S1 LJLJ 300 bottom/ceiling S2
N1 LOWL 240 bottom/ceiling WW
N1 LOWL ▲250 climbing S1
N1 TMA LOWW 300 bottom/ceiling N2
N1 LOWG 300 bottom/ceiling N2
N1 EDDM 300 bottom/ceiling N2
N1 LOWS 300 bottom/ceiling N2
E1 LZIB 300 bottom/ceiling E2
E1 LKTB 300 bottom/ceiling E2
W2 LOWI ▲330 climbing S2
W1 EDDM 300 bottom/ceiling W2
W1 LOWI 300 bottom/ceiling, via W W2
W1 LOWI 290 bottom/ceiling, via B B1
W1 LOWK 300 bottom/ceiling W2
W1 LOWS 300 bottom/ceiling W2
W1 LJLJ 300 bottom/ceiling W2
B1 LOWL Via W 300 bottom/ceiling W1
B1 LOWI 300 bottom/ceiling B2
B1 LOWS VERDA 290 bottom/ceiling W1
B1 LOWS Via S 290 bottom/ceiling S1
B1 LOWS Via N 250 bottom/ceiling N1
B1 EDDM KIRDI 290 bottom/ceiling N1


from unit ADES via cleared level conditions to unit
WW LOWG 160 At level WG
WS LOWI SBG 120 At level WI
WL LOWS MATIG 120 At level WS
WK LOWG ▼130 -170 At LoR FL170B WG
WG LOWK ▼120 -170 At LoR FL170B WK
W2 LOWW ▼310 -340 At LoR FL340B S2
W2 LOAx ▼310 -340 At LoR FL340B S2
W2 LOXT ▼310 -340 At LoR FL340B S2
W2 LDZA ACC S 330 At level S2
W2 LDZA 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 LJMB 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 LJLJ 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 LZIB 330 At level S2
W2 LZPP 330 At level S2
W2 LHSM 330 At level S2
W2 LHPA 330 At level S2
W2 LHPR 330 At level S2
W2 EDDM 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 EDMA 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 EDMO 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 EDNY ERKIR 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 EDJA ERKIR 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 LSZR ERKIR 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 LOWI 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 LOWS RASTA 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 LOWL 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 LOWG 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 LOWK 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 LIPX DETSA 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 LIPZ DETSA 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 LIPS DETSA 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 LIPA DETSA 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 LIPQ DETSA 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 LIPB DETSA 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 LIPV DETSA 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 LDPL 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 LDLO 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W2 LDRI 310 bottom/ceiling W1
W1 LOWI 170 bottom/ceiling WI
W1 LOWK 170 bottom/ceiling WK
W1 LOWG 170 bottom/ceiling WK
W1 LOWL ▼220 -260 At LoR FL260B B1
W1 EDDM ▼220 -300 At LoR FL300B B1
W1 EDMA ▼220 -300 At LoR FL300B B1
W1 EDMO ▼220 -300 At LoR FL300B B1
W1 LOWS ▼170 -190 At LoR FL190B B1
W1 LJMB ▼250 -300 At LoR FL300B S1
W1 LJLJ LUMUS/ BERTA 170 bottom/ceiling WK
S2 LDZA PETOV 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 LJLJ RADLY 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 LDPL 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 LDLO 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 LDRI 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 LDPL 310 At level W2
S2 LDLO 310 At level W2
S2 LDRI 310 At level W2
S2 LOWI 340 At level W2
S2 LKPR 340 At level N2
S2 LKKB 340 At level N2
S2 LKVO 340 At level N2
S2 LKPD 340 At level N2
S2 EDDM 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 EDMA 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 EDMO 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 LOWW 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 LOAx 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 LOXT 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 LOWL 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 LOWS 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 LKTB 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 LKKU 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 LZIB 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 LHPA 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 LHPR 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 LHSM 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 LHPP 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S2 LZPP 310 bottom/ceiling S1
S1 LOWW NIGSI 180 At level WW
S1 LOAx PINKA line 180 At level WW
S1 LOXT PINKA line 180 At level WW
S1 LZIB NIGSI ▼210 -240 PINKA line FL240B WW
S1 LZPP PINKA Line ▼210 -240 PINKA line FL240B WW
S1 LKTB PINKA Line ▼250 -300 PINKA line FL300B E1
S1 LKKU PINKA Line ▼250 -300 PINKA line FL300B E1
S1 LOWG except MURA 170 bottom/ceiling WG
S1 LOWG MURA 130 bottom/ceiling WG
S1 LJLJ 170 bottom/ceiling WG
S1 LJMB 170 bottom/ceiling WG
S1 LOWK 170 bottom/ceiling WG
S1 LOWS ▼170 -300 At LoR FL300B B1
S1 EDDM ▼270 -300 At LoR FL300B B1
S1 EDMA ▼270 -300 At LoR FL300B B1
S1 EDMO ▼270 -300 At LoR FL300B B1
S1 LOWL ▼170 -300 At LoR FL300B N1
N2 LOWI via SBG 310 bottom/ceiling N1
N2 LZIB 310 bottom/ceiling N1
N2 LZPP 310 bottom/ceiling N1
N2 LHPA 310 bottom/ceiling N1
N2 LHPR 310 bottom/ceiling N1
N2 LOWW 310 bottom/ceiling N1
N2 LKPR BUDEX Area/ DEXIT, LAMSI 310 bottom/ceiling N1
N2 LKVO BUDEX Area/ DEXIT, LAMSI 310 bottom/ceiling N1
N2 LKKB BUDEX Area/ DEXIT, LAMSI 310 bottom/ceiling N1
N2 LKPD BUDEX Area/ DEXIT, LAMSI 310 bottom/ceiling N1
N2 LKTB 310 bottom/ceiling N1
N2 LKKU 310 bottom/ceiling N1
N2 EDDM 310 bottom/ceiling N1
N2 EDMA 310 bottom/ceiling N1
N2 EDMO 310 bottom/ceiling N1
N2 EDDN SUBEN 310 bottom/ceiling N1
N2 LDZA 330 At level S2
N2 LJLJ 330 At level S2
N2 LDRI 330 At level S2
N2 LDLO 330 At level S2
N2 LDPL 330 At level S2
N2 LOWI 320 At level B2
N2 LHSM 330 At level E2
N2 LJMB 310 bottom/ceiling N1
N2 LOWG 310 bottom/ceiling N1
N2 LOWK 310 bottom/ceiling N1
N1 LOWW MASUR 170 At level WW
N1 LOWW BARUG 170 At level WW
N1 LOAx MELK line 170 At level WW
N1 LOXT MELK line 170 At level WW
N1 LZIB MASUR/BARUG ▼210 -240 MELK line FL240B WW
N1 LZPP MELK Line ▼210 -240 MELK line FL240B WW
N1 LHPA MELK Line ▼210 -240 MELK line FL240B WW
N1 LHPR MELK Line ▼210 -240 MELK line FL240B WW
N1 LKTB MELK line ▼250 -300 MELK line FL300B E1
N1 LKKU MELK line ▼250 -300 MELK line FL300B E1
N1 LOWS 170 bottom/ceiling WL
N1 LOWL 170 bottom/ceiling WL
N1 LKCS 170 bottom/ceiling WL
N1 LOWI via SBG ▼170 -240 At LoR FL240B B1
N1 EDDM 170 At LoR FL300B B1
N1 EDMA 170 At LoR FL300B B1
N1 EDMO 170 At LoR FL300B B1
N1 LOWG ▼170 -300 At LoR FL300B S1
N1 LOWK ▼170 -300 At LoR FL300B S1
N1 LJMB 290 At level S1
E2 LDZA SOLNI Line ▼310 -340 At LoR FL340B S2
E2 LJLJ SOLNI Line ▼310 -340 At LoR FL340B S2
E2 LDPL SOLNI Line 340 At level S2
E2 LDLO SOLNI Line 340 At level S2
E2 LDRI SOLNI Line 340 At level S2
E2 LOWI SBG ▼320 -340 LOR FL340B N2
E2 EDDM ▼320 -340 LOR FL340B N2
E2 EDMA ▼320 -340 LOR FL340B N2
E2 EDMO ▼320 -340 LOR FL340B N2
E2 LKPR 310 bottom/ceiling E1
E2 LKVO 310 bottom/ceiling E1
E2 LKKB 310 bottom/ceiling E1
E2 LKPD 310 bottom/ceiling E1
E2 LHBP 310 bottom/ceiling E1
E2 LHTL 310 bottom/ceiling E1
E2 LJMB 310 bottom/ceiling E1
E2 LOWK 310 bottom/ceiling E1
E2 LOWG 310 bottom/ceiling E1
E2 LOWS 310 bottom/ceiling E1
E2 LOWL 310 bottom/ceiling E1
E2 LHSM 310 bottom/ceiling E1
E2 LHPP 310 bottom/ceiling E1
E2 LKMT 310 bottom/ceiling E1
E1 LOWL STO/SITNI 250 bottom/ceiling WW
E1 LOWG 250 bottom/ceiling WW
E1 LOWS 300 At level N1
E1 LOWK SOLNI Line ▼250 -300 SOLNI Line FL300B S1
E1 LJMB SOLNI Line ▼250 -300 SOLNI Line FL300B S1
E1 LKTB LEDVA 250 bottom/ceiling WW
E1 LKKU LEDVA 250 bottom/ceiling WW
E1 LHSM 250 bottom/ceiling WW
B2 LKPR BUDEX Area 330 At level N2
B2 LKKU BUDEX Area 330 At level N2
B2 LKVO BUDEX Area 330 At level N2
B2 LKKB BUDEX Area 330 At level N2
B2 LKPD BUDEX Area 330 At level N2
B2 LDZA 330 At level W2
B2 LDZA 330 At level S2
B2 LJLJ 330 At level W2
B2 LDRI 330 At level W2
B2 LDLO 330 At level W2
B2 LDPL 330 At level W2
B2 LZIB 330 At level N2
B2 LZPP 330 At level N2
B2 LHPR 330 At level N2
B2 LHPA 330 At level N2
B2 EDNY TRAUN 310 bottom/ceiling B1
B2 EDJA TRAUN 310 bottom/ceiling B1
B2 LSZR TRAUN 310 bottom/ceiling B1
B2 EDDS TITIG/ KIRDI 310 bottom/ceiling B1
B2 LJMB 310 bottom/ceiling B1
B2 LOWW Via N1 310 bottom/ceiling B1
B2 LOAx Via N1 310 bottom/ceiling B1
B2 LOXT Via N1 310 bottom/ceiling B1
B2 LOWG 310 bottom/ceiling B1
B2 LOWK 310 bottom/ceiling B1
B2 LOWI NANIT 310 bottom/ceiling B1
B2 LOWW ABTAN ▼310 -340 At LoR FL340B S2
B1 LOWS RASTA/NUBRA/SBG 130 bottom/ceiling WS
B1 LOWI SBG 130 bottom/ceiling WS
B1 LOWL NUBRA/NEMAL ▼130 -160 At LoR FL160B WL
B1 LOWI NANIT ▼170 -220 At LoR FL220B W1
B1 LOWG ▼170 -300 At LoR FL300B S1
B1 LOWK ▼170 -300 At LoR FL300B W1
B1 LOWW ▼270 -300 At LoR FL300B N1
B1 LOAx ▼270 -300 At LoR FL300B N1
B1 LOXT ▼270 -300 At LoR FL300B N1
B1 LJMB 290 At Level S1