LOWW Primer
About this Document
This document is intended as training and reference material for controlling Vienna Airport (LOWW). This page is work in progress. If you are controller: Feel free to discuss and edit.
If you are a Pilot: The page Vienna is a better source for you, with more info on flying airplanes and less on controlling.
AIRAC status is 1704 (May 2017).
The structure of this document follows the stations to be manned: DEL, GND, TWR, APP.
Vienna has two runways, which flight paths cross. Still, the airport has frequencies which make parallel operations necessary - therefore, Vienna has developed a set of special rules and practices on how to use them.
(see the ground chart [be found here]).
Vienna has three piers with gates and some stands around. From West to East, there are:
- General Aviation West is all the way to the West at Taxiways Q and P.
- Some stands at the maintainance area (A91 to A99)
- General Aviation East is near EX13.
- Two rarely used stands (B52 and B62) are next
- Near EX12, there are three rows for small commercial airliners B71 to B92).
- Pier West (gates C31 to C42) and Pier East (D21 to D29) are next. They all match M aircraft, with the corner stands C36, C39, D23, D26 and D28) for H aircraft too.
- Pier North is relatively new (and most likely the most expensive pier after BER airport *irony*), providing gates to the South (F01-F37, odd numbers) and the North F04-F36, even numbers).
Besides to the East, there are stands for large aircraft - currently the only places for the A380.
- South of Pier North are stands for smaller and budget airliners (the E stands).
- North of Pier North is another row for the same (the H stands).
- Two parallel taxiways (L and M) run along runway 11/29. Caution: Taxiway L after EX12 is narrower and cannot be used for M and H aircraft.
- Runway 16/34 have another two taxiways: D and E. D is somehow shorter, E goes through all the way.
- An extra taxiway (W) leads from EX2 to EX21.
- Then there are some taxilanes to access Pier North (TL35, 36 and 37 to the South of the pier, TL40 to the North). TL40 has a blue (south) and an orange (north) variant, which not all sceneries have, so be aware if pilots can see it.
DEL - Delivery position
Delivery in Wien is straightforward as described in the Study_Guide:Delivery. Bear in mind the following factors:
- There is a Noise Abatement procedure after 21:00 local time, which changes runways to 29-only, if wind permits. Cleared SIDs after 21:00 change.
- VFR traffic does not necessary depart or land from the runway in use - coordinate with TWR, what to clear, and if TWR or DEL clears).
GND - Ground Position
Ground position in Vienna is somehow complicated. Why? Because traffic flow changes with runway configuration, and sometimes traffic flows left-around.
Taxiing with 29-only
There is no general rule, but this is one example how to handle it:
- Aircraft have to queue at M for departures at A1, A2 and A3 --> M flow is best Eastwards.
- Logically, L is westwards.
- This implies, that aircraft from the Northern area (TL40) taxi towards departure on E and wait at E2.
- This implies that W is Northwards.
- This implies also that TL35, 36 and 37 are North-and-Eastwards.
This means:
- Departing Aircraft from TL40 taxi EX22-E-EX24 and wait.
- Departing Aircraft from B, C and D taxi via M
- Departing Aircraft from E and TL36 taxi East on W, then turn south to Holding Point W4.
- Arriving Aircraft taxi the following route and turn off to their stands or gates: East on M, then turn left to TL35 and TL36, W.
- Alternatively, arriving aircraft all use L until TL35.
Taxiing with 11-16
Vienna has a local procedure to have quasi-parallel operation of runway 11 and 16. In this configuration, aircraft depart from 16. Arrivals are 11 and 16 depending on traffic and aircraft class (Heavies cannot approach 11 if 16 is open, as go-around paths would cross). Taxiing is somehow complex in this situation:
- Arrivals from 11 to B, C and D turn off and taxi Westwards on L.
- Arrivals from 11 to E and Pier North/Southern side taxi on M, W and into TL36, which is Westwards in this configuration (You cannot rely on all aircraft vacating at A6 to make TL36 Eastwards.